Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why Blog?

I’ve debated about putting this into blog format since coming up with this idea a week and a half ago. I can’t figure out how to make this blog anonymous without opening an entire new Blogspot account – for which I think I’d have to open a new Gmail account. I don’t want to go to huge lengths to become anonymous, but it’s a preference to remain so.

Because this is not about attention.

At this point in my life, I’m not a person who likes a lot of attention. On a personal level, sure. In a general sense, no. I don’t want praise for doing nice things, or for holding a certain philosophy.

I want people who need help to know they are cared for.

So why publish a blog? Well, as much as is isn’t about attention, it’s not about hiding, either. So many ideas I’ve come up with have never been put to action because I’ve been too shy to step up and do something. I need to stop hiding.

And sometimes, people get something from another person’s journey.

Maybe someone will read this, and decide to open their hands and their hearts more often.

Maybe someone will see it, and think, “I’d like to change a little something every day.”

Who can tell?

But for now, I’m just going to quietly blog here. Maybe someone will find it; maybe not. Maybe nothing at all will come from this experience but the things that happen to me, personally. And that will be just fine.

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